How much do we appreciate to be told we are loved? When another expresses those three succinct words "I Love You", it is a confirmation of what we all know is our inside truth . . . and that is that .
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a technique that entails a healing science and is ageless in its teaching. The modality encompasses the ancient knowledge and wisdom of energetic healing and the ‘Science of ...
Do we have appreciation in relationships or do we take each other for granted, especially when the honeymoon period is over and we’ve been together for a while, or with our family and friends? Often ...
As we stroll through supermarkets these days, there is usually a whole aisle devoted to ‘health food’ products, most of which contain ‘healthy’ sugar ... but is there such a thing as ‘healthy’ sugar?
We are told we need to listen to the body, but why is that? Why listen to the body when your head is full of thoughts and chatter – surely the mind is the area we need to concentrate on hearing? But ...
The Gentle Breath Meditation™ is simply a tool for reconnection through the focus on developing the quality of your breath. The Free Meditation Library offers a range of supportive gentle breath ...
Each of the ages which the world has gone through approximately every two thousand years, as symbolised by their ruling zodiacal sign – Taurus, Aries, etc – has had its World Teacher or focaliser of ...
With a delicious herb marinade these grilled salmon skewers make a fantastically simple option to prepare for one or for many. Kebabs are great fun for everyone to get involved with preparing, perfect ...
The fact that ‘everything is energy’ can be found in Albert Einstein’s formula E = MC 2. But so too can the fact and its teaching be found long before Albert Einstein and by that, long before this era ...
What if I told you that science has figured out a way to eliminate your risk of heart disease if you are under the age of 55, and halve your risk of heart disease if you are over the age of 65, ...
We could say that we have come a long way with gender equality, but how far have we actually come? And are we truly evolving? The question of equal rights and opportunities for women is one which has ...
I loved bread. I was nicknamed ‘the Carb kid’ when I was a young girl. Never in a million years did I even consider that one day I would not eat gluten. This was never on my radar as I was addicted to ...