"Insight and possibilities are unlocked through the innovational distribution from this leading institution", said Sondre ...
Algebraic geometry is a classical subject with a modern face that studies geometric objects defined by polynomial equations in several variables. The course introduces the basic objects in algebraic ...
This course has joint teaching with ECON9300B – Advanced Macroeconomic Theory. Macroeconomic theory with main emphasis on dynamic general equilibrium models. Mathematical tools for modern dynamic ...
The course introduces two distinct perspectives on public organizations: The management perspective implies a focus on different ways of providing public services and the ensuing consequences for ...
Books and writings claiming to portray real lives and life experiences are a recently growing trend. The writers "tell all" in autobiographies and memoirs, letters, diaries or essays, or on social ...
The international legal protection of human rights has mainly developed since the end of World War II as a fundamental part of the world order aimed at securing peace and stability, the ...
The course is an introduction to principles and practice of the design of distributed systems. The course covers fundamental models for distributed systems, distributed middleware with the focus on ...
The course presents the framework and analytical methods economists use to study the health economy and address key policy issues. The aim is to enable you to analyze typical resource allocation ...
The course addresses issues related to heterogeneous multi-core architectures that are today found in all computing devices ranging from mobile phones, commodity desktops to large computing clusters.
The topic is spatial signal processing with emphasis on imaging systems and direction of arrival estimation. The course puts emphasis on the difference between spatial domain and time domain signal ...
This course has a two-fold structure and aim. First, it introduces students to various facets of present-day Japanese society, culture, politics and international relations. We will critically examine ...
Implementing changes towards more sustainability on the societal, economic and individual levels poses opportunities and threats. For example, the costs and benefits of sustainable energy transitions ...