At the end of each of Rooney’s novels, love triumphs partly because it might be the only form of solidarity, the ...
What next? Is Netanyahu betting on a Hizbullah overreaction? Is he trying to open a second front and to drag ...
Singing, acting, directing, writing: Barbra Streisand always insisted on doing it her way (men like that get called geniuses; it gave Streisand a reputation for being difficult). Malin Hay, who ...
In the preface to the Decameron Boccaccio describes Florentine society laid waste by bubonic plague in the mid-14th century. But before he gets to that he has a confession for the reader: he has been ...
Linda Kinstler’s first book, Come to This Court and Cry, was published in 2022.
For the last nine months, representatives from the United States, Israel, Egypt, Qatar and Hamas have ostensibly been ...
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Acourt summons arrived in December, alerting me that I had been selected for ‘special jury service’. An accompanying letter explained that the trial would be held at the court for the District of ...
One of the most fascinating aspects of Wei Shujun’s film Only the River Flows is the continuing contrast between its look and its story, between the faithful realism of the first and the elusive ...