Shifting geopolitical winds are disrupting patterns of international trade. Increasingly strained relations between China and the West, Russian aggression, and the supply-chain disruptions of the ...
Join the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) and the Affordability Action Council (AAC) on Monday, October 21 in Toronto or online for a panel discussion about affordable, future-ready ...
Inu Manak est fellow en politique commerciale au Council on Foreign Relations à Washington, D.C., où elle recherche et écrit sur la politique commerciale américaine et sur les règles et les politiques ...
Peu importe qui gagnera le 5 novembre prochain, la politique commerciale des États-Unis sera pour l’avenir prévisible définie par un consensus bipartisan en faveur du protectionnisme. Une présidence ...
Inu Manak is a fellow for trade policy at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., where she researches and writes about U.S. trade policy and the law and politics of the World Trade ...
Regardless of who wins on November 5 th, U.S. trade policy for the foreseeable future will be defined by a bipartisan consensus toward protectionism. A Kamala Harris presidency would certainly provide ...
If there is one thing Canada is known for around the world, it is for the hearty winters that are experienced in nearly every community from coast to coast to coast. As communities continue to grow, ...
With MPs back in Ottawa for the fall session of the Parliament and with election rumours flying, Bill C-70 is a distant memory to many of them, but its impact will last a long time. Passed in the ...
Liberal democracies have entered a new era of organized capitalism. Industrial policy lies at the heart of this transformative shift, but Canada seems to be missing out. In the past, provincial and ...
Laura Macdonald is chancellor’s professor and professor in the department of political science at Carleton University. She is a research associate with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Canada is at a global crossroads fraught with escalating geopolitical tensions, challenges to the rules-based international order, the rise of the far right and nearshoring. Despite the possibility of ...
Luke Conkin Luke Conkin is a law student at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, British Columbia. Articles by this author Democracy Law People who request access to information need better privacy ...