The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, said today that the "worn out and stale" slanders and accusations against Serbia and.
President Aleksandar Vucic said today that he has met with more than 25 heads of state and prime ministers and with more than ...
Dejan Dragijevic and Srdjan Jankovic have been indicted for the murder of 2-year-old Danka Ilic, while Dejan's father, ...
Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic said that today that after a five-year break, Air Serbia ...
That a single coffee bean can become a symbol of the strength, success and energy of the great Novak Djokovic is evident in ...
Ministers in the government will have to deal more with Kosovo and Metohija, Prime Minister Milos Vucevic told Pink TV.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says tthat cooperation and friendship between Serbia and China continue to strengthen, opening up new horizons for joint.
President Aleksandar Vucic today, at its invitation, attended a Government session, and the second extraordinary session of the Headquarters for Emergency.
Fudbaleri Čukaričkog dočekaće u subotu ekipu TSC-a, u okviru 10. kola Superlige Srbije. Brđani ovaj susret dočekuju kao ...
Janja (9) i Jakov (7) su treće i četvrto dete u bogatoj porodici Stankić i sve je delovalo kao da ništa ne može da naruši tu ...
"Da budemo potpuno jasni. Kina ne želi da Rusija izgubiti ovaj rat. To ne bi bilo u interesu Kine. Rat je simbol i prethodnik ...
Policijska uprava u Vranju obaveštava građane da će, od 1. do 25. oktobra, od 6 do 16 časova, na strelištima u selima ...