The scales of justice are tilted against peaceful protesters—while those responsible for the crisis act with impunity.
In 2016, the European Commission ordered Apple to pay €13 billion in back taxes to Ireland. The company had benefited for ...
Germany’s decision to reinstate border controls without consulting its neighbours is a dangerous step backwards for the ...
If corporate interests undermine efforts to reduce plastic manufacturing, they will derail the fight against climate change.
What is the Future of Work? The Digital Revolution is set to dramatically change our lives in the coming years and policy- and decision-makers need to come to terms with what these epochal ...
The PEGIDA demonstrations that have taken place in Dresden and some other big German cities have attracted a significant amount of attention in the media across Europe and beyond. Even though the ...
The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the flaws in European welfare states, which can spur their renewal and reinforcement after decades of cuts and privatisation. The pandemic has further ...
The coronavirus crisis is different from known economic crises of the past. First, this time it is affecting industries previously less prone to crisis and in which more women work, meaning the ...
AI is permeating a wide range of areas and it is bound to transform work and society. This series addresses possibilities and challenges. Above all it asks what needs to be done politically in order ...
In cooperation with our partners from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Hans Böckler Stiftung as well as Member of the European Parliament Javi Lopez, Social Europe examines the different ...