Lower rates will not only reduce financing costs but revive investor confidence and spending sentiment, experts say.
The new venue, which spans 4 floors in The Henderson and holds first sales on September 26, signals a commitment to ‘prestige ...
Organiser says 23-minute display over Victoria Harbour will portray eight scenes designed to honour achievements of country ...
Home Affairs Department notified of allegations that Sei Chun-hing sexually assaulted underage girl in 2008 and had sex with ...
It would be a ‘missed opportunity’ if a meeting between the Vietnamese president and Joe Biden does not take place, analysts ...
Officers lay in wait outside hotel room after intelligence indicated syndicate was using it for storing illegal drugs, police ...
A Hong Kong bank is suing the estate of a deceased man behind two court challenges against discriminatory housing and ...
A Hong Kong court has sentenced a third person convicted of sedition under the domestic national security law to 14 months in ...
With a harbourfront ‘block party’, an Asian dance premiere, a new Japanese brunch and more, there’s plenty to entertain you ...
The bodies of two Chinese tourists who were trapped in a car when a tree fell on it in Pinang Peranakan Mansion in Lebuh ...
Malaysia is offering zero per cent tax to attract wealthy Asians into setting up family offices in the troubled Chinese-led ...
Israel is looking to force Hezbollah to drop its demand for an end to the Gaza war as a precondition to cease border attacks, ...