A petroleum and chemical tank farm operator and a Louisiana environmental group are working together to install air monitors measuring emissions.
Idaho National Laboratory commits to mitigating emissions from its nearly 200-acre landfill. Scientific models are used to ...
The spider crane, which resembles the one in the science-fiction movie Transformer, can lift an impressive 3,230 kgs (7,100 ...
Instruments in space have studied the planet's atmosphere and surface, and are now being joined by powerful new ones, finds ...
Around the world, wildfires are moving underground, burning up massive carbon deposits. The resulting emissions threaten to ...
Anna Agustí-Panareda has spent the last few years modelling greenhouse gases in ECMWF’s Integrated Forecasting System (IFS).
Opportunity for significant savings in energy consumption, reduction of paper and elimination of disposable batteries for telemetry revealed in Life Cycle Assessment Amsterdam, The Netherlands and ...
A team of young Filipino engineers has developed a groundbreaking underground monitoring system, RAMUN, which earned them the ...