Be the first to hear from emerging writers as they share what they’ve been working on during a ten-week fellowship at The Wheeler Centre. Our popular Next Big Thing series is back again this September ...
Discover and celebrate exciting new writers at the annual Emerging Writers' Festival edition of The Next Big Thing. Celebrate new works and fresh writing talent in this special Emerging Writers’ ...
Award-winning journalist Heather Ewart hits the Back Roads to Ballarat to journey through her great Australian road trips. Over a career spanning four decades, Heather Ewart has been senior political ...
Grab a bite with The Wheeler Centre as we serve up Lunch Orders: half hour conversations that can be livestreamed into any classroom or library and watched back later on-demand. For the final Lunch ...
Expert thinkers come together to discuss the realities of religious, cultural and racial discrimination in contemporary Australia and explore pathways towards greater tolerance and social cohesion.
Ursula Rakova is a pioneer in Papua New Guinea’s environmental movement and international campaigner for the survival of her people and homeland. She is the Executive Director of Tulele Peisa, a local ...
Caro Llewellyn is CEO of the Wheeler Centre and the author of four works of non-fiction including the 2020 Stella Prize shortlisted memoir, Diving into Glass, which is about her father’s polio and her ...
Artist and death literacy advocate Hayley West is located in Castlemaine, Central Victoria. Hayley co-hosts Death Cafes in her community and has recently been appointed to the board of the Castlemaine ...
Rodney Eggleston is an architect and founding director of March Studio. Eggleston trained and taught at RMIT University, followed by a short but informative two-year stint working for Rem Koolhaas at ...
Rick commenced his appointment as Assistant Commissioner of Eastern Region in September 2015, and brings to this role extensive operational and corporate experience, as well as a strong focus on ...
Deborah Robertson is a writer whose first book, Proudflesh, won the Steele Rudd Award for the best Australian short story collection in its year of publication. Her debut novel, Careless, won the 2006 ...