A rapidly changing industry with record electricity demand is complicating Omaha Public Power District's task of meeting ...
Solar alone now accounts for nearly 9% of the nation's utility-scale generating capacity, with wind close behind at 11.8%.
Power-hungry generative AI models are quickly making Big Tech sizable energy requirements even more demanding and forcing ...
"Renewables continue to be cost-competitive with conventional generation." New study uncovers common clean energy sources are ...
Scientists have developed a high-efficiency electrochemical cell that converts bicarbonate from captured CO2 into formate ...
Columbia Engineers have developed a new, more powerful "fuel" for batteries—an electrolyte that is not only longer-lasting ...
Industry-wide, data centers demanded upward of 350 TWh of power in 2024, according to a Bloomberg analysis, up substantially ...
The former Michigan governor has tried to turn the DOE, flush with billions of dollars from energy and infrastructure ...
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar are critical to sustaining our planet, but they come with a big challenge: they ...
New nuclear power plants in Georgia have helped flip the state's power mix so that electricity from clean energy sources has ...
New York City Climate Week and United Nations General Assembly that's just about to start are emphasizing how to generate ...
Manitoba will continue to rely on oil and natural gas until cleaner sources of energy become more abundant, according to a ...